Price 2021-05-06T08:59:11+00:00
Ušteda energije


If you are interested in prices, installation conditions and appointments, please contact our Commercial Service on the phone number: +381112773319 and mobile: +38163213217. Thank you.

The circumference of windows and doors is approximately:

Single-leaf window ………………. approx. 5 m
Double-leaf window ……………. approx. 8 m
Triple-leaf window ……………….. approx. 13 m
Entrance door ……………………… approx. 6 m
Balcony door ……………………..… approx. 6.5 m
Balcony double-leaf door …… approx. 10 m

Fast installation, around 50 m / 1 h, depending on the scope of carpentry repairs.

For additional services such as carpentry window fitting, sealing of roller shutter boxes with silicone, as well as for payment via account, please contact us.

2 single-leaf windows of 7 m each

balcony door approx. 12 m and 2 single-leaf windows of 7 m each

entrance double-leaf door approx. 12 m

single-leaf window approx. 7 m

single-leaf entrance door 6 m

double-leaf window approx. 20 m (all 4 leafs are done, external and internal)

old double-leaf window with upper vents approx. 35 m

dual double-leaf window approx. 35 m (external and internal leafs are done)

single double-leaf window with upper vent approx. 15 m

Tel: 063/213-217